Since 1964
UJE KLLOKOTI- Kllokot’s water - Product name 100% Natural Mineral
Mineral water factory-UJE KLLOKOTI:
-The Company extends in an area of A=35236m2
-Buildings and Halls has A=4574.90m2
-The Company has employed 85 workers
The range of products and existing capacity, Kllokot’s Water and carbon dioxide-CO2
Mineral Water Factory-UJE KLLOKOTI, Kllokot’s water in total has five (5) Natural Resources
The TOTAL CAPACITY of the Existing WATER for Filling
The TOTAL CAPACITY of the Existing CO2 of Filling V=630m3/H
The source DI called Dardania
The source Dardania I is perforated with 166m depth, diameter 350m.m up to 50m depth and is continuing to 244.5mm diameter 166m, DI is the source of cement up to 50 m depth in accordance with the standards required and are set pipe 207 mm diameter plastic.
Source DI due to the large amount of CO2 in short comes in the form of fountain
Up to 4.5m height (H) and is water termomineral and used for healing, while the state conducts Aggregate natural CO2 from the gaseous state to the liquid state by 99,972% purity analyzed and certified by the institute HAFFMANS Holland and the same used for mineral water bottling with UJE KLLOKOTI, Kllokot’s water.
DI resource capacity for H2O: Q = 65.8 l / sec or Q = 236.88 m3 / h
Resource capacity for CO2 DI: V = 250 m3 / h CO2
Water temperature at outlet is t = 37C or T = 310K
The source DII called Dardania II
Dardania II is perforated source 178m depth , diameter 375mm to 50m depth and is continuing to 244.5mm diameter 178m , DII 's source of cement up to 50 m depth in accordance with required standards and are placed in plastic tubes diameter 207 mm , from this source out water and natural mineral water filling UJE KLLOKOTI Kllokot’s water become analyzed and certified by the institute Acualab Holland .
DII resource capacity for H2O : Q = 78.0 l / sec or Q = 280.8m3 / h
26C or T = 299K
The source Z III called Zhitia III
Zhitia III is the source of 280 m drilled depth , 350mm diameter to the depth of 50 m and is continuing to 244.5mm diameter 280m , ZH III is the source of cement up to 50 m depth in accordance with the standards required and are located plastic pipes with diameter 207 mm .
Source ZH III due to the large amount of CO2 in short comes in the form of fountain
up to 4.0 m height ( H ) , and is termomineral water and used for healing , while the state conducts Aggregate CO2 from the gaseous state to the liquid state of 99,972 % purity analyzed and certified by the institute HAFFMANS Holland and the same used for mineral water bottling with UJE KLLOKOTI- Kllokot’s water .
ZH III resource capacity for H2O : Q = 60 l / sec or Q = 216 m3 / h
ZH III Resource capacity for CO2 : V = 200 m3 / h CO2
Water temperature at outlet is t = 37C or T = 310K
The source Z IV called Zhitia IV
Zhitia IV is the source of 300m drilled depth , diameter 350mm up to 50m depth and is continuing to 244.5mm diameter 300m , ZH IV source is cemented to 50m depth in accordance with required standards and are placed in plastic tubes 207mm diameter .
Source ZH IV due to the large amount of CO2 in short comes in the form of fountain
up to 3.0 m height ( H ) and is water termomineral and used for healing , while the state conducts Aggregate natural CO2 from the gaseous state to the liquid state by 99,972 % purity analyzed and certified by the institute HAFFMANS Holland and the same used for mineral water bottling with UJE KLLOKOT- Kllokot’s water .
ZH IV resource capacity for H2O : Q = 75 l / sec or Q = 270 m3 / h
Resource capacity for CO2 ZH IV : V = 150 m3 / h CO2
Water temperature at the outlet is t = 36 C or T = 310K
The source Z V called Zhitia V
Zhitia V is the source of 270MT drilled depth , diameter 350 mm up to 50m depth and is continued to 300 m in diameter 244.5 mm , ZH V is the source of cement up to 50 m depth in accordance with the standards required and are located plastic pipes with diameter 207 mm .
Source ZH V due to the large amount of CO2 in short comes in the form of fountain
up to 0.5 m height ( H ) , and is termomineral water and used for healing , while the state conducts Aggregate CO2 from the gaseous state to the liquid state capable of 99,972 % purity analyzed and certified by the institute HAFFMANS Holland and the same is used for filling mineral water UJE KLLOKOTI .
ZH V resource capacity for H2O : Q = 55 l / sec or Q = 198 m3 / h
Resource capacity for CO2 ZH V : V = 30 m3 / h CO2
Water temperature at the outlet is t = 28 C or T = 310K
In The old Illyro-Dardan period, Kllokot was only an old residence in a flat area ,close to the banks of the river. This location belongs to Pre Dardanic phase of the XII and IX centuries BC. The evidence for this are the archeological investigations. In ancient times In Kllokot there existed the explosion of the thermomineral water with a weak intensity .During the Illyro Dardan period it could be described an economical development which are saved as archeological exponents . Close to this source there has been built a great ancient living place with all characteristics of an organized civilization with a developed infrastructure named Urban. Exactly between Kllokot and Today’s Trpeza village. This place belongs to Dardan residential areas and was located in the cross roads Artana-Urban – Smirë and further to Skopje .In this location there were found many exponents of the sculpture belonging the times which show and prove the ancient and economic development and cultural as well of this area. At the banks of Morava e Binqës River in Kllokot there had been found a statue which represents “ the Dardana Madonaâ€.
In 1919 Yotri Minic had noticed that there is released a gas after the rains ,
In 1936 the Lawyer from Gjilan bought the place where he planned to built barracks and a pool like in Vranja Spa (in former Yugoslavia)
The construction did not end when the Second World War started that is why the place was fenced with heavy walls in order to protect it.
After the war doctors and chemists started to analyze the water and noticed that it had curing characteristics
In 1945 it was the start of socialism and for this the Public properties were converted to State properties.
The Public Enterprise “ BANJA E KLLOKOTIT “ in Kllokot has been founded in February 1953
The giving of the first products for the first time was done in 1964.
For a long time it has been proved that in Kosova the Marketing of the mineral water has been very weak ,Reasons were ; MKG not adopted for Kosova ,law life standard ,high prices
In 1978 the reorganization of the interim structures.
In 1981 -1998 the social crisis , firing out the Albanians from their working places
2005 ;Privatization “GANI ROSHA GRPOUP†has privatized the Enterprise and does its managing since 25/12/2005
This residential area belongs among the residences with the best geographical positions in MORAVA E EPERME .
Morava e Eperme lays in the upper part of Morava river up to the Uglar Village .Kllokot lays exactly in the heart of Morava e Epërme .Its good geographic position is enabled by its good soil fields and the mountains which cover the Morava valley almost in all sides. We can see different relieves and forms when we look into this location when we analyze the geomorphologic and physic characteristics .We can see plain fields surrounded by mountains such as Karadak in the South and the hills in the North west. In the North east and South wets in the tectonic valley which is called the Morava valley. The average height of this locality is 479 meters .As for the climatic circumstances it is affected by the Continental climate with mild winters and hot summers.
This residence is rich with under ground and over ground waters.As far as the underground waters it has been written and spoken that this locality has mineral an nature waters which are very important. A s for the over ground waters apart from the rivers which flow from the mountainous areas it is well known by its Morava e Binqës river which gathers all waters and which later flow to the Black sea
The soil component of this place has the following : In the Morava valley lays the sentimental layers and aludials the earth which is mixed with sand and which is of a high productive characteristic,